Pedro's Cove

my just dance mods

NX Modding

as easier as it looks, my pc is trash for modding such "high-end" consoles and i dont have many pictures, but one of them is this one, from the beta version of the beta map "deep" by luhan

Wii Modding

way easier for me, so i have a couple hundred screenshot from my newer mods. the listed maps are: deep (final ver.), jump in the line, big bowl thick noodle, gerappo dance train, dun n dusted, you never can tell, kids in america (final remake)

PC Modding

apart from the wii, this was the platform i most modded before, but i lost most of my images since i didnt backup my older computer. maps listed are: why oh why, jet coaster love, all i want for christmas (beta), get lucky (beta alternative), love again (beta), sacrifice (was a beta at the moment i took the screenshot), big eyes (beta), all about that bass (beta), jerk it out, jingoloba, my lips (beta).

i will maintain this as under construction until i actually stop modding the game.